1.   Add garlic, orange peel and oil to bag and mash to coarse paste.

2.   Add the olives and lemon juice and pulse, scraping down the sides of the bowl several times, to form a coarse paste.

3.   Add the pork fat and continue chopping until a coarse paste forms, leaving some small pieces of shrimp.

4.   Combine garlic, lemon grass, coriander seeds and brown sugar in mortar and pound into a coarse paste with pestle.

5.   For a coarse paste, add the oil all at once and pulse until it is just incorporated.

6.   Process to make a coarse paste.

7.   Pulse until mixture becomes a coarse paste.

8.   The texture should be of a coarse paste.

9.   Using a mortar and pestle, pound the chiles and lemongrass into a coarse paste.

a. + paste >>共 123
smooth 19.00%
thick 10.00%
almond 7.00%
olive 5.67%
coarse 3.00%
green 2.67%
fine 2.00%
ginger 1.33%
stiff 1.33%
tandoori 1.33%
coarse + n. >>共 174
salt 9.15%
language 8.11%
meal 7.07%
crumb 6.86%
sand 3.53%
sea 2.49%
paper 2.29%
puree 2.29%
grass 1.87%
powder 1.87%
paste 1.87%
每页显示:    共 9