1.   Add butter and cream and pulse to make a coarse puree.

2.   Add pine nuts and continue grinding mixture against sides and bottom of mortar until it is a coarse puree.

3.   Cool it slightly, then put it through a food mill or coarse strainer for a coarse puree.

4.   In bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade, combine all ingredients except salt and process to a coarse puree.

5.   Its strengths are in chopping dry foods like nuts and bread crumbs, for pulsing together pastry dough and for making coarse purees.

6.   Pound with a pestle to a coarse puree.

7.   Put pitted cherries in a food processor and process to a coarse puree.

8.   Pulse to make a coarse puree.

9.   Run the machine in short bursts until you have a coarse puree.

10.   Salmon is slowly roasted and peas are worked into a coarse puree with cream and mint.

a. + puree >>共 67
pumpkin 8.09%
smooth 7.51%
vegetable 6.94%
coarse 6.36%
raspberry 4.62%
remaining 4.62%
strawberry 4.62%
chestnut 4.05%
peach 2.89%
fine 2.31%
coarse + n. >>共 174
salt 9.15%
language 8.11%
meal 7.07%
crumb 6.86%
sand 3.53%
sea 2.49%
paper 2.29%
puree 2.29%
grass 1.87%
powder 1.87%
每页显示:    共 11