1.   Any firm-flesh fish can be used, and if you do not have olive paste, you may substitute olives.

2.   At the Bathers Pavilion, where magical views overlook Balmoral Beach, tuna tartare is topped with shallot shreds and black olive paste.

3.   A dollop of olive paste rounds out the appetizer.

4.   Add truffles, olive paste or balsamic vinegar, and stir lightly to combine but not blend thoroughly.

5.   Add the currants, pine nuts and olive paste and reduce heat to very low.

6.   Drain the green beans, then mix with the garlic and the olive paste.

7.   In a blender, combine olive paste, orange juice, balsamic vinegar and pepper and blend at high speed until dressing is smooth.

8.   It is a smooth emulsion of commercial green olive paste with orange juice or unsalted chicken broth and some balsamic vinegar.

9.   Leftover olive paste keeps well.

10.   Next, the olives wind up between several steel disks, which are spread with olive paste and stacked one atop the other.

a. + paste >>共 123
smooth 19.00%
thick 10.00%
almond 7.00%
olive 5.67%
coarse 3.00%
green 2.67%
fine 2.00%
ginger 1.33%
stiff 1.33%
tandoori 1.33%
olive + n. >>共 123
tree 28.52%
grove 19.72%
paste 2.99%
uniform 2.64%
tapenade 1.94%
skin 1.94%
mixture 1.94%
orchard 1.58%
fatigue 1.41%
wood 1.41%
每页显示:    共 17