1.   Add the raspberry puree to the mixture in the saucepan.

2.   Drizzle both plates with reserved raspberry puree, and garnish with finely diced mangoes.

3.   In a saucepan, heat cup raspberry puree until nearly boiling.

4.   Spoon equal amounts of the kiwi puree in the middle of the raspberry puree.

5.   Stir rose syrup into raspberry puree and set aside.

6.   The recipe can be made ahead to this point and the raspberry puree refrigerated overnight.

7.   The raspberry puree is not only handsome but delicious with blueberries.

8.   With a spatula, transfer two figs to each dessert plate of raspberry puree and serve immediately.

a. + puree >>共 67
pumpkin 8.09%
smooth 7.51%
vegetable 6.94%
coarse 6.36%
raspberry 4.62%
remaining 4.62%
strawberry 4.62%
chestnut 4.05%
peach 2.89%
fine 2.31%
raspberry + n. >>共 90
sauce 9.79%
jam 6.70%
vinegar 5.67%
puree 4.12%
coulis 2.58%
flavor 2.58%
preserve 2.58%
juice 2.06%
bush 2.06%
mixture 2.06%
每页显示:    共 8