1.   Alternatively, place all ingredients in a blender and process to a smooth puree.

2.   Blend until you have a smooth puree.

3.   In a food processor, add the canned or poached salmon with the smoked salmon and pulse until a smooth puree is obtained.

4.   Measure in broth and process to a smooth puree, scraping and stirring every few seconds.

5.   Process to a smooth puree.

6.   Process to smooth puree, gradually adding another cup of stock, and transfer to a bowl.

7.   Puree smooth.

8.   Put flesh through a food mill to make a smooth puree.

9.   Stir to blend into a smooth puree, or puree in a blender or food processor.

10.   To create the hummus put these ingredients into a food processor or blender and lean on the button until you have a smooth puree.

a. + puree >>共 67
pumpkin 8.09%
smooth 7.51%
vegetable 6.94%
coarse 6.36%
raspberry 4.62%
remaining 4.62%
strawberry 4.62%
chestnut 4.05%
peach 2.89%
fine 2.31%
smooth + n. >>共 665
transition 11.03%
sailing 3.87%
ride 3.34%
surface 3.07%
paste 2.54%
relation 2.00%
running 1.56%
operation 1.29%
skin 1.25%
transfer 1.16%
puree 0.58%
每页显示:    共 13