1.   It brings to mind a pleasurable cross between zinfandel and merlot, of raspberry flavors mingled with a peppery spice.

2.   Rounded spice and anise, raspberry flavors, rounded texture, supple finish.

3.   The beer Q tart and light bodied, with a champagnelike effervescence Q delivers a ton of bright, luscious raspberry flavor in each corked and capped bottle.

4.   The result is a very tart beverage with a raspberry flavor that overwhelms any beer characteristics.

5.   They come in cherry, orange, green apple, grape, root beer and blue raspberry flavors.

a. + flavor >>共 764
strong 2.24%
intense 2.09%
international 1.92%
different 1.81%
distinctive 1.77%
new 1.70%
nutty 1.45%
sweet 1.45%
smoky 1.42%
complex 1.35%
raspberry 0.18%
raspberry + n. >>共 90
sauce 9.79%
jam 6.70%
vinegar 5.67%
puree 4.12%
coulis 2.58%
flavor 2.58%
preserve 2.58%
juice 2.06%
bush 2.06%
mixture 2.06%
每页显示:    共 5