1.   And once the dough and vegetable puree are combined, the dough should be kneaded lightly on a flour-dusted surface.

2.   At Five Points, Marc Meyer serves a stew of roasted carrots, onions and turnips with chickpea vegetable puree and risotto fritters spiced with cardamom.

3.   Chestnut puree, sold plain and sweetened, can be used for smooth soups, vegetable purees, baked goods and desserts.

4.   However, this vegetable puree soup is much heartier and needs a different type of wine.

5.   It includes duck confit ravioli, garlic and Gorgonzola soup, rack of lamb, winter vegetable puree and apple-cinnamon bread pudding.

6.   Lots of pasta these days is enhanced with vegetable puree, from tomatoes to beets, but the amount per serving is about a teaspoon.

7.   Some chefs are even adding vegetables or vegetable puree to the crepe batter.

8.   That leaves only the cooking of a vegetable just before dinner, though a vegetable puree can certainly be made a day ahead and reheated.

9.   The Dutch add nutmeg to mashed potatoes, white cabbage, cau liflower, vegetable purees, macaroni and meat stew.

10.   The immersion blender can also be used to make thicker vegetable purees, milk shakes, and to emulsify sauces.

a. + puree >>共 67
pumpkin 8.09%
smooth 7.51%
vegetable 6.94%
coarse 6.36%
raspberry 4.62%
remaining 4.62%
strawberry 4.62%
chestnut 4.05%
peach 2.89%
fine 2.31%
vegetable + n. >>共 312
garden 11.46%
market 5.73%
peeler 3.49%
soup 2.96%
price 2.83%
spray 2.24%
stand 2.11%
dish 2.04%
mixture 1.98%
crop 1.98%
puree 0.79%
每页显示:    共 12