1.   Blend the ingredients to a fine puree.

2.   Blend to a fine puree.

3.   Drain, place in a blender and make a fine puree.

4.   Process the oranges to a fairly fine puree in a blender or food processor or by putting them through a meat grinder.

a. + puree >>共 67
pumpkin 8.09%
smooth 7.51%
vegetable 6.94%
coarse 6.36%
raspberry 4.62%
remaining 4.62%
strawberry 4.62%
chestnut 4.05%
peach 2.89%
fine 2.31%
fine + n. >>共 1645
line 6.41%
wine 2.87%
point 2.04%
job 1.97%
performance 1.36%
sieve 1.25%
restaurant 1.16%
form 1.16%
example 1.09%
detail 0.96%
puree 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4