1.   I also spoon a little raspberry coulis on the plate to add a fruit note and to round out the sour lemon flavor.

2.   If desired, put raspberry coulis on each serving plate.

3.   Serve raspberry coulis on the side.

4.   Strawberries, blueberry compote, raspberry coulis and other fruits are all good alongside it.

5.   For dessert, couples will be served with mouth-watering chocolate assiette, a combination of chocolate and cherry parafait, white chocolate mousse and sacher torte with raspberry coulis.

a. + coulis >>共 6
raspberry 41.67%
little 16.67%
strawberry 16.67%
fresh 8.33%
red 8.33%
vivid 8.33%
raspberry + n. >>共 90
sauce 9.79%
jam 6.70%
vinegar 5.67%
puree 4.12%
coulis 2.58%
flavor 2.58%
preserve 2.58%
juice 2.06%
bush 2.06%
mixture 2.06%
每页显示:    共 5