1.   Trim the stems back carefully.

2.   She trimmed the stems, and inserted them symbolically in a very special vase.

3.   Eleanor picked up the fresh flowers and began trimming their stems.

4.   I trimmed the stem and leaves, then sliced the large florets as you would a mushroom, so that I got thick, even cross sections.

5.   Just before serving, rinse berries and trim stems with a paring knife.

6.   Pull off lowest petals and trim stem even with bottom of choke.

7.   Pull off the lowest petals and trim stem even with bottom of choke.

8.   Small bunch arugula, stems trimmed, rinsed and dried.

9.   The remaining stem can be trimmed as described in the first choice if you want a second plant.

10.   Trim stems off white mushrooms and cut each into four slices.

v. + stem >>共 136
remove 13.80%
discard 9.51%
cut 8.59%
trim 5.52%
flower 2.15%
leave 2.15%
have 2.15%
peel 1.84%
insert 1.23%
cover 1.23%
trim + n. >>共 481
cost 7.77%
fat 3.13%
payroll 2.72%
inventory 2.17%
rate 2.17%
beard 2.07%
loss 2.02%
tree 2.02%
staff 1.92%
budget 1.77%
stem 0.91%
每页显示:    共 18