1.   Pointed stems are also inserted in foam more easily.

2.   Dampen the Styrofoam and insert stems of green bundles around the form.

3.   During a hip arthroplasty, a metal stem is inserted into the top of the femur, or thigh bone.

4.   Insert the stem in a pot of wet vermiculite or sand.

v. + stem >>共 136
remove 13.80%
discard 9.51%
cut 8.59%
trim 5.52%
flower 2.15%
leave 2.15%
have 2.15%
peel 1.84%
insert 1.23%
cover 1.23%
insert + n. >>共 513
gene 5.30%
tube 5.30%
needle 3.18%
pin 3.04%
provision 2.97%
screw 2.62%
catheter 2.19%
language 2.12%
card 1.91%
stent 1.70%
stem 0.28%
每页显示:    共 4