1.   It says no doubt employers employers or other individuals will keep on pestering you, and probably add insult to injury, take heart.

2.   But before you conclude that agoraphobia has its plusses after all, take heart.

3.   But if you, too, were among those who read it completely wrong, take heart.

4.   For now, at least, Bush can take heart that even many Democrats offered their grudging admiration.

5.   For those less than sanguine about the implications a wired world holds for the concept of community, take heart.

6.   If all this seems a bit overwhelming, take heart.

7.   If all this leaves you a bundle of nerves, take heart.

8.   If your preschooler has not yet joined the digital revolution, take heart.

9.   If, despite your best efforts, you still receive a pink slip, take heart, Tiffan says.

10.   Landless, take heart.

n. + heart >>共 133
artichoke 20.25%
donor 12.66%
take 6.01%
pig 3.48%
replacement 2.53%
candy 1.58%
week 1.58%
day 1.27%
rat 1.27%
valentine 1.27%
take + n. >>共 200
place 20.50%
effect 6.09%
part 4.71%
time 4.16%
action 3.74%
advantage 2.91%
heart 2.63%
hold 2.63%
office 2.49%
note 2.22%
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