1.   A tough guy might make valentine hearts, thereby displaying a gentler, more sentimental side.

2.   But I have taken those words to my laced, bejeweled, solid-chocolate valentine heart.

3.   She holds out muscular maternal arms and has an embroidered valentine heart embedded in her chest, gold at the center with a purple and red halo.

4.   Some drawings are cut in the shape of fans and valentine hearts.

n. + heart >>共 133
artichoke 20.25%
donor 12.66%
take 6.01%
pig 3.48%
replacement 2.53%
candy 1.58%
week 1.58%
day 1.27%
rat 1.27%
valentine 1.27%
valentine + n. >>共 6
heart 44.44%
business 11.11%
card 11.11%
crime 11.11%
fun 11.11%
pizza 11.11%
每页显示:    共 4