1.   Conversation hearts, those little pastel, almost tasteless, candy hearts with a message, are made by the New England Confectionary Co., better known as Necco.

2.   Cut into squares, top with candy hearts.

3.   Most are suitable neither for candy hearts nor a family newspaper.

4.   The company sent bald men dressed as Cupids onto the streets of three cities to give away Necco candy hearts and discount coupons.

5.   The postage-meter stamp on the outer envelope had bled to a soft, blurred pink, like the lettering on a candy conversation heart.

n. + heart >>共 133
artichoke 20.25%
donor 12.66%
take 6.01%
pig 3.48%
replacement 2.53%
candy 1.58%
week 1.58%
day 1.27%
rat 1.27%
valentine 1.27%
candy + n. >>共 160
bar 29.42%
store 8.54%
cane 6.29%
wrapper 5.46%
maker 3.91%
company 3.08%
shop 2.61%
thermometer 2.25%
factory 2.25%
business 1.90%
heart 0.59%
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