1.   The current round of bargains comes before a new commerce law takes effect, regulating the discounts.

2.   As the contraction programmes already announced take effect, we expect that employee numbers will continue to fall.

3.   And even if prices were to hold steady for now, other important factors could drive them higher as the planned cuts in output take effect.

4.   As fair-trade regimes like the World Trade Organization and free-trade agreements like NAFTA take effect, corruption will find fewer hiding places.

5.   Brazilians are concerned once the transaction tax takes effect, trading will move to New York, Rener said.

6.   But it will be a few more months or possibly years before most of the plans take effect, and some could be overturned by opponents.

7.   Demand for platinum will grow as tougher environmental laws take effect worldwide.

8.   GM is just one of many foreign companies that are now re-thinking China investments as the new tax law takes effect.

9.   No one knows for sure how the public will respond when time limits, now mostly a future threat, actually take effect and recipients are cut off.

10.   Q. When would this take effect?

n. + effect >>共 633
health 11.79%
knock-on 5.10%
year 2.72%
wealth 2.72%
multiplier 2.55%
take 2.49%
spillover 2.44%
contagion 2.04%
snowball 1.59%
tax 1.19%
take + n. >>共 200
place 20.50%
effect 6.09%
part 4.71%
time 4.16%
action 3.74%
advantage 2.91%
heart 2.63%
hold 2.63%
office 2.49%
note 2.22%
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