take place 9.74   And when might this crumbling take place?
  take effect 2.90   URGENT HUNTSVILLE, take effect.
  take part 2.24   Those who take part in change usually want it to succeed.
  take time 1.97   That always takes time.
  take action 1.78   If a menacing dog lives on your street, take action.
  take advantage 1.38   Takes advantage of others. . . .
  take heart 1.25   Landless, take heart.
  take hold 1.25   It will be years before m-commerce takes hold in a serious way.
  take office 1.18   New president takes office, seeks autonomy from Serbia.
  take note 1.05   Mitt, take note.
  take shape 0.72   Brick by brick, click by click, a wing takes shape, smooth and curved and beautiful.
  take step 0.72   But Ocalan said all sides had take steps toward peace.
  take care 0.59   Take care, and God bless and keep you!
  take control 0.59   You could do things that are being done already, just take control of them.
  take charge 0.53   A take charge, tough guy.
  take pride 0.53   The pride Virginians take in their uber-goobers is understandable.
  take responsibility 0.46   The districts collect the rubbish... take responsibility for housing... and look after certain environmental services.
  take notice 0.39   Take notice, world.
  take pay 0.39   Raise take home pay.
  take precedence 0.39   Also, I have trouble with the fact commerce clearly takes precedence over merit.
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