1.   Remove from the pan and add to the reserved bacon.

2.   Add the reserved bacon, ham, and Old Bay seasoning.

3.   Add reserved bacon, soup, red pepper, salt and pepper.

4.   Add the reserved bacon and the lime juice.

5.   Add reserved bacon, soup, red bell pepper or pimento, salt and pepper.

6.   Add the pickles, reserved bacon and warm dressing and gently toss to coat.

7.   Cover each chop with a portion of the sauce, sprinkle with the reserved bacon and serve immediately with egg noodles, rice or mashed potatoes.

8.   Crumble reserved bacon on top of bread and serve immediately.

9.   Ladle into bowls and top with reserved bacon, if using.

10.   Pour dressing over greens, toss quickly, sprinkle with reserved bacon and serve immediately.

a. + bacon >>共 86
cooked 7.77%
reserved 7.77%
smoked 6.22%
crisp 4.66%
frying 4.15%
crumbled 4.15%
smoky 3.11%
fried 2.59%
chicken-fried 2.07%
crispy 2.07%
reserved + n. >>共 288
seat 5.89%
liquid 3.32%
man 3.02%
marinade 2.87%
water 2.57%
bacon 2.27%
seating 1.96%
juice 1.81%
sauce 1.51%
pasta 1.36%
每页显示:    共 15