1.   Add a little reserved pasta water if it gets too thick.

2.   Add the garlic-olive oil mixture and the reserved pasta water.

3.   Add reserved pasta water to bowl with pesto.

4.   Add reserved pasta water, a few tablespoons at a time, and toss until noodles have a silky coating.

5.   Add a little reserved pasta water to loosen it up, if necessary.

6.   If sauce is too dry, add some of the reserved pasta water.

7.   If sauce is too thick, add a little reserved pasta water.

8.   If it is dry, add a little reserved pasta water.

9.   The reserved pasta, tossed with olive oil to keep it from sticking, can be served au naturel in a bowl.

a. + pasta >>共 203
cooked 12.08%
fresh 6.98%
hot 6.60%
italian 3.58%
homemade 3.21%
dried 2.83%
drained 2.64%
reserved 1.70%
favorite 1.70%
good 1.32%
reserved + n. >>共 288
seat 5.89%
liquid 3.32%
man 3.02%
marinade 2.87%
water 2.57%
bacon 2.27%
seating 1.96%
juice 1.81%
sauce 1.51%
pasta 1.36%
每页显示:    共 9