1.   Add raisins, saffron, cardamom, milk and the reserved water.

2.   Add sliced cheese and toss gently again, moistening mixture with reserved cooking water, if necessary.

3.   Add bean curd and coconut milk, Tamari or soy sauce, salt, sugar, garlic and reserved water.

4.   Add the cream and butter and mix thoroughly, thinning with a bit of the reserved cooking water if necessary to reach desired consistency.

5.   Add pasta and arugula to skillet, along with enough of the reserved cooking water to make a sauce.

6.   Add porcini mushrooms and their reserved water.

7.   Bring reserved cooking water back to a boil.

8.   If the sauce is too thick, add a few tablespoons of the reserved cooking water.

9.   If the dressed pasta is dry, add a little reserved cooking water.

10.   If the mixture seems dry, add a little of the reserved cooking water.

a. + water >>共 700
cold 5.78%
coastal 4.53%
bottled 3.11%
running 2.91%
international 2.74%
boiling 2.63%
warm 2.42%
fresh 2.14%
clean 2.13%
atlantic 1.91%
reserved 0.08%
reserved + n. >>共 288
seat 5.89%
liquid 3.32%
man 3.02%
marinade 2.87%
water 2.57%
bacon 2.27%
seating 1.96%
juice 1.81%
sauce 1.51%
pasta 1.36%
每页显示:    共 17