1.   Arrange the okra on four plates, drizzle with pesto, garnish with crumbled bacon and basil sprigs and serve at once.

2.   -- Crumbled bacon and freshly chopped cilantro make a nice addition to canned clam chowder soup.

3.   Add a splash of whipping cream, crumbled cooked bacon and a hefty grinding of black pepper.

4.   Garnish with rows of Cheddar cheese, crumbled bacon and green onions.

5.   Ladle into soup bowls and top with the crumbled bacon and chopped cilantro.

6.   Serve hot, topped with crumbled bacon and chopped parsley, if desired.

7.   Sprinkle with crumbled bacon and serve immediately.

8.   Top with crumbled bacon.

a. + bacon >>共 86
cooked 7.77%
reserved 7.77%
smoked 6.22%
crisp 4.66%
frying 4.15%
crumbled 4.15%
smoky 3.11%
fried 2.59%
chicken-fried 2.07%
crispy 2.07%
crumbled + n. >>共 59
feta 10.92%
bacon 6.72%
cheese 5.88%
goat 4.20%
queso 4.20%
cookie 3.36%
wall 3.36%
floor 2.52%
brick 2.52%
home 2.52%
每页显示:    共 8