1.   Add the mango, lime juice and rind, chopped chilli, coriander or parsley and the prawns.

2.   Drizzle with the coffee liqueur and then the lime juice, turning to coat.

3.   Each man got a mug of lime juice and water, and a mess tin of dates.

4.   Mash with lime juice, a pinch of chilli powder, chopped herbs and seasoning for guacamole.

5.   Place in a medium bowl and stir in onion, cilantro, salt and lime juice.

6.   Use lime juice or zest rather than lemon.

7.   Witness the vogue for lime juice and lime zest.

8.   You can substitute lime juice for lemon juice in a recipe.

9.   Add a few drops of lime juice.

10.   I set up another three Slammers, pouring the lime juice and tequila together so that I could cut mine to about half the strength I was giving them.

n. + juice >>共 155
lemon 41.80%
lime 15.35%
fruit 9.47%
apple 6.13%
pan 4.01%
tomato 3.09%
grapefruit 2.34%
pineapple 2.13%
tobacco 1.25%
carrot 1.13%
lime + n. >>共 103
juice 50.69%
wedge 6.06%
green 4.68%
leaf 4.41%
pie 4.13%
zest 3.86%
slice 2.62%
tree 1.93%
mixture 1.38%
peel 1.10%
每页显示:    共 366