lemon juice 65.96   Stir in lemon juice.
  lime juice 24.23   But the lime juice?
  fruit juice 14.94   Add fruit juices.
  apple juice 9.68   Add apple juice.
  pan juice 6.32   Top with pan juices.
  tomato juice 4.87   Pour tomato juice over top.
  grapefruit juice 3.69   Add grapefruit juice and mint.
  pineapple juice 3.36   Pineapple juice.
  tobacco juice 1.97   He will not spit tobacco juice.
  carrot juice 1.78   Pour carrot juice into pan.
  clam juice 1.38   Blend in clam juice.
  meat juice 1.38   She added meat juices, onions, spices.
  pomegranate juice 1.18   Pour cup pomegranate juice over chicken.
  pickle juice 1.05   No pickle juice.
  tamarind juice 0.53   Add tamarind juice and reserved chickpea liquid.
  beet juice 0.46   Beet juice?
  berry juice 0.46   Fill with the berry juice.
  mango juice 0.46   Vary the mango juice to control sweetness.
  fish juice 0.39   And drinking fish juice and rainwater.
  cactus juice 0.33   Another told Haynes he survived by drinking cactus juice and his own urine.
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