1.   Add pineapple juice and chilies and reduce by half.

2.   Add the pineapple juice and stir constantly over the heat until the chocolate melts.

3.   Baz nods to the porno blond chauffeur who when paying for drinks elects for pineapple juice.

4.   Drain the pineapple juice from the can into a saucepan.

5.   Drizzle the pineapple juice over the dry mixture.

6.   Add the pineapple juice, the vinegar, the ketchup and soy sauce, and bring to a boil.

7.   Add pineapple juice and vinegar, and bring to simmer, stirring to dissolve brown bits from bottom of pan.

8.   Add pineapple juice.

9.   Add any reserved pineapple juices and enough rum to fill the jar to the top.

10.   Add warm liquid, pineapple juice and eggs to flour mixture.

n. + juice >>共 155
lemon 41.80%
lime 15.35%
fruit 9.47%
apple 6.13%
pan 4.01%
tomato 3.09%
grapefruit 2.34%
pineapple 2.13%
tobacco 1.25%
carrot 1.13%
pineapple + n. >>共 80
juice 22.37%
slice 9.21%
chunk 4.82%
plantation 3.07%
sage 3.07%
fiber 2.19%
mixture 2.19%
ring 2.19%
company 1.75%
plant 1.75%
每页显示:    共 51