1.   For a traditional charred look, brown pork briefly under a preheated broiler.

2.   Raise heat to medium, and boil off all liquid, and then brown pork in its own remaining fat.

3.   Reduce heat to medium high and brown the pork on both sides.

4.   When all the pork has been browned, discard any excess fat and return the pan to high heat.

5.   You brown the pork on both sides, reduce the red wine and stir in the miso until the sauce is smooth.

v. + pork >>共 130
eat 10.86%
add 6.31%
remove 5.81%
place 2.78%
serve 2.78%
buy 2.53%
put 2.53%
cut 2.27%
sell 2.27%
transfer 2.27%
brown 1.26%
brown + n. >>共 108
meat 11.03%
side 8.09%
chicken 5.15%
lamb 4.04%
sausage 4.04%
onion 3.31%
garlic 2.57%
bottom 2.57%
butter 1.84%
beef 1.84%
pork 1.84%
每页显示:    共 5