41.   Both decisions, they argued, make the McLaughlin lawsuit moot.

42.   Both issues will be moot within a year.

43.   Bouchard said that he thinks all this back and forth over fit vs. fat might be moot.

44.   A federal bankruptcy court in Massachusetts decided in August that the privacy issue was moot.

45.   A judge had not yet ruled in the Globe case, which is now moot because of the settlement.

46.   A pending case challenging the constitutionality of the affirmative action program might make the issue of a new election moot.

47.   A moot question, Andrews said.

48.   A parent waging a prolonged court battle that could only end in a moot decision.

49.   A stop would grant the team the championship and make all their failures of the second half moot.

50.   A pardon would moot the deportation.

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