81.   But Gwynn, as he has so many times over his career when such issues arise, rendered all drama moot.

82.   But insofar as rape is concerned, he told a Kiwanis Club a couple of weeks ago, abortion is mostly a moot issue anyway.

83.   But it became a moot issue when prosecutors announced Monday their decision not to refile.

84.   But it was moot.

85.   But Johnson, raised a Baptist and now a Muslim, added that he thought the question was moot.

86.   But Howard said efforts to curb partial-birth abortion in Arizona may be moot because none is believed to have occurred in the state.

87.   But Judge Harold Cushenberry Jr. rendered the first request moot when he denied Makharadze bail, citing past violations in which speeding and drinking were involved.

88.   But Liu, playing a Star Trek game at a demonstration kiosk in a downtown computer store, said this particular rite of passage was moot.

89.   But Magistrate Andrew J. Peck said that threat was now moot.

90.   But like some of the past, all that is mercifully moot.

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