11.   And by then, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz said Wednesday, Iraq should be close to having sanctions lifted, and the issue would be nearly moot.

12.   And Collins was convinced the decision was moot after New Orleans took the lead.

13.   And although President Clinton has talked of trying to modify the welfare law, Pelosi said GOP resistance makes that issue moot.

14.   And if you watched both nights of the trials, where Atler barely showed up and Dawes kept clawing upward, the question became moot.

15.   And in any event, over the next five years, once all newborns have gotten the vaccine, the issue will become moot.

16.   And so, he said, judges would probably declare the issue moot and reserve their decision until another case came before them.

17.   And it would make many of the investigations into Democratic fund-raising practices moot.

18.   And now that the deed has been done, your worries about it are moot, at least for the short term.

19.   And the issue may be moot, anyway, because the Internet is no more controlled by the United States than is the United Nations.

20.   And then he added that the entire issue might soon be moot.

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