1.   Alternatively, cross-licensing agreements might be negotiated -- or the whole question could be rendered moot by further innovations, attorneys say.

2.   By the time the order took effect, however, the issue had already become moot.

3.   Whether chocolate is an aphrodisiac or whether it lives up to its reputation as a substitute for love is moot.

4.   I think they were wrong, but the point is moot.

5.   Although the lawsuit against the Rio is continuing, the case may be moot.

6.   An appeals court later ruled the case moot when the young woman violated her parole by using drugs.

7.   And if you watched both nights of the trials, where Atler barely showed up and Dawes kept clawing upward, the question became moot.

8.   And in any event, over the next five years, once all newborns have gotten the vaccine, the issue will become moot.

9.   And the issue may be moot, anyway, because the Internet is no more controlled by the United States than is the United Nations.

10.   And then he added that the entire issue might soon be moot.

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