1.   The Moots and the Law Society made the Department very lively.

2.   And so, he said, judges would probably declare the issue moot and reserve their decision until another case came before them.

3.   Another is to make sure there is an enforcement mechanism that will not render the legislative reforms moot.

4.   As a result, the marriage case has been dismissed as moot.

5.   Babbitt conceded that if the measure were to survive the Senate and Presidential veto, it would render his proposed changes moot.

6.   Before any court had a chance to decide if the order was wrongly granted, the player finished his last season and the courts dismissed the case as moot.

7.   A win here, on a course he helped redesign with Tom Weiskopf, would render his tentative tour position moot and mean a two-year exemption.

8.   After some internal discussion, DiFrancesco rendered the question moot Friday.

9.   But Gwynn, as he has so many times over his career when such issues arise, rendered all drama moot.

10.   But the Hancock document, sure to be debated and negotiated at length before approval, is sketchy or outright moot on many other details.

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