31.   As for the political threat posed by an alternative government, he said it would be moot by the time Aristide takes the oath of office.

32.   As a practical matter, the issue has apparently been moot.

33.   As we know, the point was moot.

34.   At times the question of license extension has seemed moot too, with utilities hard-pressed to justify continued operation of their reactors, amid a surplus of cheap power.

35.   At this point, the issue is moot.

36.   Bankers Trust had argued before the appeals court that the issue had been rendered moot by the unsealing of the court documents.

37.   Authorities say the fugitive had no connection with Foote, and the bail warrant was moot.

38.   Babbitt conceded that if the measure were to survive the Senate and Presidential veto, it would render his proposed changes moot.

39.   Before any court had a chance to decide if the order was wrongly granted, the player finished his last season and the courts dismissed the case as moot.

40.   Besides, she said, the argument is moot.

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