1.   A combination boiler combines the functions of a central heating boiler and a multi-point water heater.

2.   Electricity companies use it to switch off certain loads, such as water heaters, at times of peak demand.

3.   In addition to this type of gas water heater, there are electric instantaneous water heaters for providing hot water for showers.

4.   Opening the drain valve at the bottom of the water heater will not remove the filings.

5.   So, hot water is best provided by either a gas or electric instantaneous water heater.

6.   The explosion was caused by a gas leak from the water heater.

7.   The only remedy for an impaired water heater is to replace it.

8.   The refrigerator hummed and the water heater gurgled, but otherwise the house was still.

9.   They disconnected the gas, and fixed the water heater to an outside wall.

10.   Old fashioned water heaters can be a problem.

n. + heater >>共 54
water 49.88%
gas 10.47%
kerosene 8.48%
propane 3.99%
baseboard 2.24%
immersion 2.00%
hot-water 2.00%
fan 2.00%
pool 1.75%
storage 1.25%
water + n. >>共 642
shortage 4.19%
tank 2.72%
quality 2.36%
resource 2.30%
source 2.25%
plant 2.10%
heater 1.98%
company 1.96%
pump 1.49%
flow 1.45%
每页显示:    共 199