1.   And, if you have baseboard heaters, they would have to be relocated.

2.   A heating man found there are enough baseboard heaters for the room.

3.   Clean and vacuum vents, baseboard heaters and ducts.

4.   Picking at chipping paint around baseboard heaters, a person grumbled about the need to shift out of neutral and into the dramatic sweep of spring chores.

5.   Q. We heat with electric baseboard heaters in every room.

6.   The baseboard heater is several inches above the floor.

7.   Then there is dirt on the wall above the baseboard heaters.

8.   This will keep the water hot until it reaches the baseboard heaters.

9.   What householder who has baseboard heating has not been plagued by paint peeling from those metal baseboard heaters, especially in bathrooms and other damp places?

n. + heater >>共 54
water 49.88%
gas 10.47%
kerosene 8.48%
propane 3.99%
baseboard 2.24%
immersion 2.00%
hot-water 2.00%
fan 2.00%
pool 1.75%
storage 1.25%
baseboard + n. >>共 14
radiator 26.67%
heater 20.00%
molding 11.11%
unit 11.11%
fin 4.44%
heat 4.44%
register 4.44%
system 4.44%
appliance 2.22%
cover 2.22%
每页显示:    共 9