water heater 13.17   This and the water heater.
  gas heater 2.76   The cause was a faulty regulator on a gas steam heater.
  kerosene heater 2.24   Maybe a kerosene heater and fuel.
  propane heater 1.05   As soon as he left Korea, the two propane heaters in his cramped gondola failed.
  baseboard heater 0.59   Clean and vacuum vents, baseboard heaters and ducts.
  fan heater 0.53   It has a fan heater and an electric blanket on the single bed.
  hot-water heater 0.53   Check the hot-water heater the same way.
  immersion heater 0.53   To feed I s would suspect the immersion heater.
  pool heater 0.46   No cars, no trains, planes, pool heaters, air conditioners.
  oil heater 0.33   Some of it ends up in landfills, down sewers and drains, burned in waste oil heaters or just dumped out on the ground.
  room heater 0.33   But the coroner found that carbon monoxide from a faulty room heater killed him.
  storage heater 0.33   He is always complaining about having to flog electric storage heaters anyway.
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