1.   As populations grow, pressure will grow on water resources both from rivers and from artesian wells.

2.   Both countries rely on the river for scarce water resources.

3.   Botswana expressed growing concern over its dwindling water resources.

4.   The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources.

5.   The law also gives the Army Corps of Engineers new power to protect water resources throughout the country.

6.   Scarce water resources are shared between states who cannot trust each other.

7.   The agreement covers the conservation of border water resources, establishes monitoring procedures, and addresses legal and economic aspects linked to the protection of the natural environment.

8.   A land use plan is to be produced providing guidelines for protecting water resources, developing tourism and promoting ecological agriculture.

9.   But c thirteen, about the conservation of the water environment and water resources, is a matter which could be incorporated in the county structure plan.

n. + resource >>共 239
water 21.17%
energy 5.75%
government 5.38%
oil 5.20%
information 3.38%
cash 2.46%
police 1.64%
community 1.64%
food 1.55%
forest 1.55%
water + n. >>共 642
shortage 4.19%
tank 2.72%
quality 2.36%
resource 2.30%
source 2.25%
plant 2.10%
heater 1.98%
company 1.96%
pump 1.49%
flow 1.45%
每页显示:    共 231