1.   Constant very slow water flow should take place inside the media preventing true dead areas forming to leach back impurities.

2.   Household items allow the Junior magician to make an erupting volcano and camera obscura, hypnotise books and see water flow uphill.

3.   I feel the water flow over passing faces.

4.   It was the quickness of the changes in water flow during previous operations of the dam that led to the most erosion.

5.   Must be fitted so that sweep is in direction of water flow.

6.   Only particles that can not cross cell membranes obligate net water flow across such membranes.

7.   Some submersible pumps have a very small discharge and so it is important to judge the water flow required before shopping around.

8.   These stones extend down the watercourse, over which water flows with the aid of a simple submersible pump.

9.   This needs to be coupled with a physical form which does not easily clog and impede water flow.

10.   We saw many examples of the type of water flow which had flipped our rafts over like pancakes.

n. + flow >>共 328
blood 21.39%
capital 9.90%
traffic 6.19%
air 5.93%
water 5.41%
wind 4.41%
money 3.22%
lava 3.00%
investment 2.71%
order 1.85%
water + n. >>共 642
shortage 4.19%
tank 2.72%
quality 2.36%
resource 2.30%
source 2.25%
plant 2.10%
heater 1.98%
company 1.96%
pump 1.49%
flow 1.45%
每页显示:    共 145