1.   Be sure to nail the shoe mold to the baseboard, not to the floor.

2.   A shoe mold or quarter-round molding is designed to cover that gap and anything oozing out.

3.   The gap can be covered by the baseboard or a quarter-round molding, called a shoe mold.

4.   Usually this expansion joint is covered by the baseboard or a shoe mold, a quarter-round molding nailed to the baseboard.

5.   What you can do is install a shoe mold along that wall to cover the gap.

6.   Goldberg passed to jurors the shoe molds and pictures of the bloody shoe prints, which had transparent overlays showing the match with the Magli patterns.

n. + mold >>共 86
ring 7.04%
gelatin 6.34%
pudding 4.93%
ice 4.23%
shoe 4.23%
candy 3.52%
plaster 2.82%
rubber 2.82%
botrytis 2.11%
stachybotrys 2.11%
shoe + n. >>共 252
store 11.13%
company 10.67%
box 7.80%
factory 4.09%
shop 3.56%
contract 3.48%
manufacturer 2.80%
print 2.57%
polish 2.20%
leather 1.97%
mold 0.45%
每页显示:    共 6