1.   Another trick she recommends is to melt cheese and pour it into a greased candy mold such as Looney Tunes or Bugs Bunny characters.

2.   Available is a Pocahontas cake pan, cookie cutters, party cups, cake picks and candles, candy molds and lollipop bags.

3.   For years, collectors have prized tin candy molds.

4.   Get in the spirit at this site, which offers candy skull molds, Mexican Day of the Dead folk art, theme T-shirts and a guide for teachers.

5.   Mold butters at room temperature into logs, balls or even create shapes with miniature cookie-cutters or candy molds and then place in your freezer.

n. + mold >>共 86
ring 7.04%
gelatin 6.34%
pudding 4.93%
ice 4.23%
shoe 4.23%
candy 3.52%
plaster 2.82%
rubber 2.82%
botrytis 2.11%
stachybotrys 2.11%
candy + n. >>共 160
bar 29.42%
store 8.54%
cane 6.29%
wrapper 5.46%
maker 3.91%
company 3.08%
shop 2.61%
thermometer 2.25%
factory 2.25%
business 1.90%
mold 0.59%
每页显示:    共 5