1.   Better yet, we could start a vineyard, plant the vines ourselves, begin it from the ground.

2.   Tom Day believes the industry will reach its EC quota this year and winegrowers will be forced to stop planting vines.

3.   But occasionally, when the vines are planted in favored locations and the grape yields are restricted, the wine can rise to unexpected heights.

4.   But problems arise when climbing vines, such as ivy and euonymus are planted as ground covers, because when they finally become established, they begin to climb.

5.   Even on a pergola shaded by trees or a house, you may want to plant a vine to soften the look.

6.   He and his wife, Edith, traveled around wine-growing areas before deciding where to plant vines and build their home.

7.   However, be sure to plant a vine vigorous enough to cover the top eventually, if you want it to.

8.   I am considering planting the vine on a trellis all over my back fence at the new house.

9.   Indonesia has probably made the most inroads, encouraging its farmers to plant vines and teaching them to grow better beans.

10.   Plant each vine at the depth it grew in its container.

v. + vine >>共 96
plant 8.81%
protect 3.77%
grow 3.14%
kill 3.14%
cut 2.52%
have 2.52%
prune 2.52%
use 2.52%
import 1.89%
spray 1.89%
plant + n. >>共 621
bomb 18.71%
tree 7.50%
seed 7.14%
crop 3.43%
mine 3.05%
explosive 2.72%
device 2.69%
evidence 2.64%
foot 2.03%
flag 1.62%
vine 0.38%
每页显示:    共 14