1.   Encouraged by her new friend, Farnham resolved to stick with farming and to plant a crop again the following spring.

2.   It is too late in the year now to plant a crop.

3.   No one can plant crops on it.

4.   And as they planted crops such as barley and wheat, they sowed the seeds of a great Irish brewing tradition.

5.   With this in mind, the company has been investing money in planting new crops before the threat of a ban becomes reality.

6.   And a drought that has parched the Horn of Africa has left many Eritreans unable to plant crops or find food.

7.   Before planting the crop, a farmer scans a bar code on a bag of seed to identify what is about to go into the ground.

8.   Both crops were planted later than usual after heavy rains in May and June left fields too wet for farm equipment.

9.   Both measures would permit farmers greater flexibility to plant any crop they choose, but cotton would have less flexibility than wheat or corn in the Senate measure.

10.   Both measures would permit farmers complete flexibility to plant any crop they choose.

v. + crop >>共 363
damage 7.39%
destroy 6.87%
grow 6.87%
harvest 6.30%
plant 5.92%
produce 2.56%
sell 1.89%
protect 1.85%
threaten 1.42%
raise 1.28%
plant + n. >>共 621
bomb 18.71%
tree 7.50%
seed 7.14%
crop 3.43%
mine 3.05%
explosive 2.72%
device 2.69%
evidence 2.64%
foot 2.03%
flag 1.62%
每页显示:    共 124