1.   A thermal blanket of warm air protects the vines in the winter months and hastens maturity through the summer.

2.   Do they require any special treatment to protect the vines over the winter?

3.   Its water actually warms the shore and surrounding hillsides, protecting vines during the short growing season.

4.   The vine is actually protected from the cold night air under the thin mantle of ice.

5.   They are much more focused on protecting their vines and increasing output.

6.   Spraying water on vines when temperatures drop is the most common method of protecting vines.

v. + vine >>共 96
plant 8.81%
protect 3.77%
grow 3.14%
kill 3.14%
cut 2.52%
have 2.52%
prune 2.52%
use 2.52%
import 1.89%
spray 1.89%
protect + n. >>共 1085
child 3.38%
right 2.90%
environment 2.68%
privacy 2.25%
interest 2.02%
people 1.92%
worker 1.66%
consumer 1.37%
civilian 1.07%
investment 1.06%
vine 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6