1.   American commanders in Kosovo have begun an investigation to determine who might have planted the mine.

2.   A security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Israeli army does not plant mines but does use concealed explosives activated by remote control.

3.   Djurovski said the mines had been planted just a few hours before the blast, because army trucks had used the road on Thursday night.

4.   Djurovski said the mines had been planted only a few hours before because army trucks had used the road on Thursday night.

5.   He said he believes the United States has not planted mines in Afghanistan, and may not because of the mobile nature of the war.

6.   In some other cases, hunters plant mines and then drive herds into the minefield.

7.   Indian soldiers are planting mines all along the border to prevent Pakistani incursions.

8.   Israeli mines are planted in areas where Palestinian civilians are trying to live their lives.

9.   Mines have been planted around key economic installations, including electric plants and power lines, water-treatment plants, road networks, market centers and port facilities.

10.   Mines have been planted around key economic installations, including electric plants and power lines, water treatment plants, road networks, market centers, and port facilities.

v. + mine >>共 281
hit 7.52%
plant 6.95%
clear 6.14%
lay 5.64%
remove 4.95%
close 3.95%
ban 2.76%
use 2.57%
operate 2.07%
find 2.01%
plant + n. >>共 621
bomb 18.71%
tree 7.50%
seed 7.14%
crop 3.43%
mine 3.05%
explosive 2.72%
device 2.69%
evidence 2.64%
foot 2.03%
flag 1.62%
每页显示:    共 110