1.   Detectives think some one May have seen the bombers as they were planting the devices.

2.   Elsewhere his attempts to plant the devices had failed.

3.   The caller claimed three incendiary devices had been planted at the Vineyards.

4.   Two accused, he alleged, were seen by witnesses planting the device at Primity Crescent, New Buildings.

5.   A lot of psychology came into this game, trying to read the minds of the people who had invented and planted a device.

6.   Detectives think someone may have seen the bombers as they were planting the devices.

7.   Four devices were planted at the Warrington works in February.

8.   And if a device were deliberately planted, terrorism is not the only possible motive, he said.

9.   Claiming to represent an international terrorist organization, the caller said he had planted seven devices at area plants but said only four were real bombs.

10.   For a while I thought the device explosions were compliments of anti-nuclear activists, then asked myself why anti-device people would plant devices as a protest?

v. + device >>共 515
use 12.52%
find 4.71%
make 3.30%
plant 3.00%
install 2.82%
test 2.26%
detonate 2.20%
defuse 1.84%
place 1.84%
have 1.77%
plant + n. >>共 621
bomb 18.71%
tree 7.50%
seed 7.14%
crop 3.43%
mine 3.05%
explosive 2.72%
device 2.69%
evidence 2.64%
foot 2.03%
flag 1.62%
每页显示:    共 97