1.   He transformed the brown, empty lots into rows of trim homes with green lawns and freshly planted flowers.

2.   Plant the flowers in patches in complementary colours.

3.   Some of the people had little plots of their own where they planted flowers.

4.   This makes it unnecessary to fertilize when planting your flowers.

5.   When she was about ten she had even started to plant flowers outside it.

6.   We planted flowers in the garden.

7.   But the gusher could hardly raise a trickle, so within a couple of decades the council filled in its basin and planted some flowers.

8.   Later Duhamel and his team were visited by an immaculate Inspector-General who told them they really ought to plant a few flowers around the gloomy station.

9.   Besides conventional treatment, he has turned to alternatives like meditation and aroma therapy, having flowers planted around his house and smelling them to bolster his immune system.

10.   Buildings have been painted, flowers planted, roads smoothed, beaches cleaned, turf laid, all smooth and green and watered, restoring forgotten glories.

v. + flower >>共 335
lay 6.44%
place 5.38%
send 4.77%
bring 3.39%
throw 3.27%
have 3.27%
plant 2.83%
buy 2.66%
produce 2.55%
carry 2.50%
plant + n. >>共 621
bomb 18.71%
tree 7.50%
seed 7.14%
crop 3.43%
mine 3.05%
explosive 2.72%
device 2.69%
evidence 2.64%
foot 2.03%
flag 1.62%
flower 1.40%
每页显示:    共 51