1.   Every week someone comes and places fresh flowers on her grave.

2.   Grave sites are swept, flowers placed, food offered, meals arranged at the headstones.

3.   The flowers were placed in a beautifully Decorated vase.

4.   The flowers were placed alongside a cross of daffodils growing at the scene.

5.   Another woman, Tetsuko Tanaka, placed flowers at the gravesite.

6.   Artificial bouquets already fill the concrete vases, so Adam places the flowers on top of the headstone.

7.   At the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, locals and tourists placed flowers on a makeshift memorial at the base of a statue dedicated to freedom.

8.   At the interment, each person places a flower on the casket.

9.   At the State House, flowers were placed into the hands of the statue of President John F. Kennedy, bouquets at his feet.

10.   Because warm colors tend to come forward in space, placing vivid flowers in a corner or at the end of a long passage helps to shorten the distance.

v. + flower >>共 335
lay 6.44%
place 5.38%
send 4.77%
bring 3.39%
throw 3.27%
have 3.27%
plant 2.83%
buy 2.66%
produce 2.55%
carry 2.50%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
flower 0.71%
每页显示:    共 97