1.   Baste the ham with the mustard mixture and cover with foil.

2.   Briskly whisk canola and walnut oils into mustard mixture until thick and creamy and an emulsion forms.

3.   Lightly brush mustard mixture on all sides of pork.

4.   Place a burger in each bun and top with lettuce, onions, tomato and mustard mixture.

5.   Place wings in bowl with mustard mixture.

6.   Put cold or room-temperature meat on a serving tray and pour any reduced mustard mixture over meat.

7.   Reserving mustard mixture, put tenderloins in a heavy baking pan, leaving space between them.

8.   Spread mustard mixture on the flesh side of the salmon.

9.   Stir in mustard mixture and salt and pepper to taste.

10.   While meat is standing, add any leftover mustard mixture to roasting pan and bring to a boil, scraping up browned bits on bottom and sides of pan.

a. + mixture >>共 526
chocolate 8.43%
cream 3.60%
hot 2.87%
creamed 2.81%
remaining 2.75%
mushroom 2.57%
chicken 2.38%
vegetable 1.83%
dry 1.53%
curious 1.47%
mustard 0.61%
mustard + n. >>共 52
seed 28.93%
green 10.66%
sauce 10.66%
mixture 5.08%
agent 4.06%
powder 3.55%
plant 3.05%
dressing 2.54%
field 2.03%
flavor 2.03%
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