1.   Mix the fromage frais with the mustard powder and dill and serve with the salmon.

2.   Stir in the seasoning, mustard powder and eggs.

3.   To gain the maximum flavour, always mix mustard powder to a paste before adding it to recipes.

4.   In a medium saucepan, combine juice mixture, sugar, mustard powder, horseradish and thyme.

5.   Lots of dry mustard powder.

6.   Or, one level tablespoon dry mustard powder to quart of water.

7.   Stir until smooth, then add the rest of the milk, the clam nectar, mustard powder, cayenne pepper and black pepper.

a. + powder >>共 252
white 27.75%
cocoa 6.66%
black 5.75%
fine 4.74%
suspicious 4.24%
explosive 2.62%
dry 2.22%
coffee 1.51%
fresh 1.21%
loose 1.21%
mustard 0.71%
mustard + n. >>共 52
seed 28.93%
green 10.66%
sauce 10.66%
mixture 5.08%
agent 4.06%
powder 3.55%
plant 3.05%
dressing 2.54%
field 2.03%
flavor 2.03%
每页显示:    共 7