1.   Change to the dough hook.

2.   Mix with dough hook on low speed until mixture is cohesive.

3.   Place whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a mixer fitted with a dough hook.

4.   Sprinkle yeast over warm water in bowl of mixer fitted with dough hook.

5.   Switch to the dough hook on the mixer, or knead by hand.

6.   Stir together the warm water and honey in the large bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook.

7.   Then beat at medium speed until the mixture forms a ball, leaves the sides of the bowl and climbs up the dough hook.

8.   Then you can use a mixer with a dough hook and not over- or underknead.

9.   Transfer to an electric mixer fit with a dough hook.

10.   Transfer the mixture to the bowl of a heavy-duty mixer fitted with the dough hook.

n. + hook >>共 106
jump 18.28%
sky 6.34%
dough 5.22%
fish 4.85%
baby 4.48%
coat 3.73%
steel 2.61%
cargo 2.24%
wire 1.87%
duck 1.87%
dough + n. >>共 77
form 13.89%
ball 7.78%
hook 7.78%
rise 3.89%
scrap 3.33%
circle 2.78%
piece 2.78%
hold 2.22%
mixture 2.22%
strip 2.22%
每页显示:    共 14