1.   -- Women who have been treated for infections of chlamydia bacteria should be rescreened three to four months later because of high rates of reinfection.

2.   The CDC also reported that another sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the chlamydia bacteria remains the most frequently reported infectious disease.

3.   The disease, trachoma, is caused by strains of the chlamydia bacterium.

4.   The disease, trachoma, is caused by a strain of the chlamydia bacterium.

n. + bacterium >>共 124
anthrax 28.69%
salmonella 8.57%
soil 4.58%
cholera 3.98%
methanogenic 2.79%
tuberculosis 2.79%
plague 2.59%
listeria 2.39%
pylorus 1.79%
sulphate 1.79%
chlamydia 0.80%
chlamydia + n. >>共 15
infection 40.00%
bacterium 13.33%
pneumoniae 6.67%
epidemic 3.33%
family 3.33%
group 3.33%
inflammation 3.33%
link 3.33%
meeting 3.33%
prevention 3.33%
每页显示:    共 4