1.   He said for example that the cholera bacterium itself must be infected by a virus before it can become virulent.

2.   Mice with one copy of the gene are protected against diarrhea, even when injected with the cholera bacterium.

3.   Since many healthy people carry the cholera bacteria, it is almost impossible to impose useful quarantines .

4.   When Mobile Bay was infected, federal scientists found one-third of all ships arriving from South America carried the cholera bacterium.

5.   A series of tests have determined the presence of cholera bacteria in a lagoon where a victim reported swimming before his diagnosis with the disease, officials said.

6.   And last month, public beaches were shut down after environment officials detected cholera bacteria in the waters.

7.   Cholera bacteria can survive in contaminated water and the local population has been warned not to drink any unboiled water.

8.   Director of Health Dr Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun said on Tuesday that tests on tour members found the el tor strain of the cholera bacteria.

9.   Flies and cockroaches can carry the cholera bacteria and contaminate food.

10.   In Russia, authorities closed a stretch of the Moscow River Tuesday after discovering cholera bacteria in the water.

n. + bacterium >>共 124
anthrax 28.69%
salmonella 8.57%
soil 4.58%
cholera 3.98%
methanogenic 2.79%
tuberculosis 2.79%
plague 2.59%
listeria 2.39%
pylorus 1.79%
sulphate 1.79%
cholera + n. >>共 55
outbreak 26.27%
epidemic 20.72%
case 11.57%
toxin 8.19%
bacterium 4.82%
victim 4.58%
patient 2.89%
symptom 1.69%
infection 1.20%
virus 1.20%
每页显示:    共 20