1.   Antibiotics kill the H. pylori bacteria, curing the ulcers.

2.   Causes include long-term use of aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, excessive alcohol intake or infection by H. pylori bacteria.

3.   Cortecs is now marketing its Helisal Rapid Blood test for detecting H. pylori bacteria, and has also developed a version of the test, which works on saliva.

4.   Cortecs said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared its kit to test for the H. pylori bacteria, which has been implicated as a cause of stomach ulcers.

5.   Our local newspaper printed an article on the new treatment for ulcers and the discovery of H. pylori bacteria.

6.   The antibiotic therapy is aimed at permanently knocking out H. pylori bacteria to prevent recurrence of infection and ulcers.

7.   Zantac may also face reduced demand if antibiotics prove effective against Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which was recently identified as a cause of peptic ulcers.

8.   For example, peptic ulcers, long tied to stress and overachieving personalities, are now widely blamed on the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and often treated with antibiotics.

9.   The research is focused on new treatment methods for the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which is viewed as one of the causal factors behind the development of peptic ulcers.

n. + bacterium >>共 124
anthrax 28.69%
salmonella 8.57%
soil 4.58%
cholera 3.98%
methanogenic 2.79%
tuberculosis 2.79%
plague 2.59%
listeria 2.39%
pylorus 1.79%
sulphate 1.79%
pylorus + n. >>共 30
infection 47.32%
colonisation 5.37%
patient 4.88%
bacterium 4.39%
eradication 4.39%
subject 4.39%
state 3.90%
status 3.90%
gastritis 3.41%
treatment 2.44%
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